Hiking Guidelines
This Information is sourced from the Quadra Island Outdoor Club until we finalize our own list
Hiking Guidelines
Trip Participant Guidelines and Responsibilities
1.Safety is the prime consideration. Be realistic in assessing your skill, fitness and equipment. Have good quality equipment and gear. Participating in trips beyond your ability can put you and the group at risk. Be prepared. You must be self-sufficient, including a first aid kit. Bring extra clothing in case of changeable weather. Bring adequate food and water. Plan for contingencies. Always exercise good judgement. Respect the decisions of the coordinator and the group. Stay with the group.
2. Membership is not an entitlement to participate in every trip. To participate in a trip which is “challenging” or “strenuous” or any multi-day trip, you must have previously taken a “moderate” hike with the Club, demonstrate adequate fitness and have appropriate equipment. The trip coordinator’s decision about participation on a trip is final.
3. Communicate with the trip coordinator and with the group. Let the trip coordinator know that you want to go on the trip as early as possible. Keep in touch about the status of the trip. Participate in the pre-trip briefing, so that you are familiar with the plan. Sign the trip sign-up sheet. If you are new to the club, let the coordinator know your level of experience. Tell the coordinator if you are having difficulties on the trip. Meet and know everyone on the trip.
It is strongly recommended that you share with the trip coordinator information about any medical condition that you have that could affect your participation on a trip. If you have a condition that could result in your not being able to communicate with the trip coordinator, you MUST have information about that condition in an envelope in your pack or drybag, as well as contact information.
4. Minimize your impact on the environment. Participate in car pools and share the expenses. Pack out all garbage. Avoid contaminating drinking water sources. Do not approach wildlife.
5. Dogs are permitted on some trips, at the discretion of the trip coordinator. The participation of dogs must not compromise the safety of the hikers. All dogs must be sociable with people and other dogs. Dogs must be under control at all times, either at the side of the owner or ahead of the group. The trails are usually narrow and dogs are not permitted to run through the group. The conduct of the dog is entirely the responsibility of the owner and not the Quadra Island Outdoor Club. The trip coordinator may ask the owner of any dog who does not meet these standards to withdraw from the trip.
6. It is hoped that every active, experienced member of the Club will coordinate several outings each membership year. This can be done by pairing up with another member. Mentoring for new members is available.
Trip Coordinator Guidelines and Responsibilities
1. Pre-trip organization
Provide the Club with basic information about the trip: date, description, rating, departure times and place, whether dogs are permitted, maximum size of group, your name, phone number and e-mail.
Prepare a list of participants from e-mail sign-up. Talk with new members about their level of experience before the trip. The minimum number of participants on a trip is three.
Have your gear in order. Maps and tracking devices may be helpful. The coordinator needs to carry the Club Personal Locator Beacon, or other satellite calling device, on every Club hike where cell coverage is not assured. Familiarize yourself with how to use it..
Verify access road and trail conditions, where necessary and possible.
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Check the weather the evening before the trip. Notify participants if conditions warrant a change of plan or cancellation.
2. Departure and trip
It is essential that all participants sign the waiver before taking a trip. Club members will have already signed the waiver, but non-members have probably not signed. Ensure that anyone who is not a Club member has signed or signs the waiver before beginning a trip.
Note: A trip participant may not be a Club member if s/he is taking a day-trip as a trial (free) or if s/he is a guest ($5 for a day-trip). A guest may only take two day-trips per season. A participant on a multi-day trip must be a member.
Have everyone sign the trip sign-up sheet. Leave the sign-up sheet in a vehicle at the trailhead and return it to the Club Exec on your return. Please have a copy of the waiver, the trip sign-up sheet and an Incident Report form with you, available from the webpage.
Ensure that all participants are properly equipped. If you believe that a member of the group cannot adequately take part in the trip, you can refuse to include that person.
Coordinate car pools and meeting locations.
Brief all participants on the trip plan, known hazards, safety protocol and individual responsibilities. Introduce new participants.
Maintain a reasonable pace on the hike, so that the group stays together. Have a strong hiker at the back as a sweep. Ensure everyone is accounted for at junctions and meeting points. Keeping the group together is particularly important on unofficial, unsigned trails.
Ensure that the group has minimal impact on the trail, camping sites and the environment in general. Garbage is to be carried out and drinking water protected.
After the trip, return the sign-up sheet to the Exec for insurance purposes. If there is an accident on a trip, complete the trip Incident Report and return if to the Exec.
3. Post-trip
The trip coordinator should submit a brief trip report, describing the highlights of the outing. Ideally, the report will include photos, not necessarily taken by the coordinator.
Recommended Gear Checklist
Adequate water and water bottle
Adequate food
Map, compass, GPS
Cell phone
Comfortable pack
Comfortable, sturdy boots.
Extra clothing. Bring what you need to stay warm and dry. Wool and quick-dry are recommended, plus rain gear
First aid kit
Sunscreen and hat
Space blanket
Waterproof matches or other fire starter
Tarp or plastic sheet
For multi-day trips additional equipment:
Backpack with cover
Foam or air mattress
Stove and fuel
Pot, bowl, mug, cutlery
Water purification system, or boil water
Biodegradable soap
Minimalist toiletries
Rope for hanging food
Extensive advice is available online for camping equipment
Trip Grading for Hiking and Backpacking
Easy – two hours to half day hike on flat ground
Moderate – half day to one day on flat to steep mixed ground
Strenuous – long day on steep ground